
after coming into this professional field, the course of life has changed a lot. life has become more disciplined and more monotonous... fun-filled occasions are there but they have lost their charms, quite different from the past days! these days it has started raining in bangalore but like others, the rain has lost its beauty here. in childhood days, the occurrence of first drop of rain on earth was nothing less than a festival... schools suspended as rainy day... roads filled with water... cozy environment in the room... tasty snacks prepared by mom... listening music or reading books under the blanket... are no more found these days. apart from this, the earth has also lost its beauty as it used to be during the rainy season! the grasses don't look more greener... the lost scent of the earth... makes me nostalgic these days! how beautiful were those days! the paper boats, the urge for being drenched in the rain despite of being with umbrellas and rain-coats, always ready to go out of house with the hope of coming back while it rains, the scolding of mom and again the hot bowl of soup... now have completely disappeared from the life. gone are those days leaving numerous memories behind! college was also somewhat good in one way or the other. though i missed certain things, yet it has been special in its own way. i remember how we used to go out just before it starts raining... how we used to get drenched in front of our hostel while it rains cats and dogs... how the rain drops reminded me of those people with whom i would like stay always! gone are those wonderful days and their wonderful ways! while sitting here infront of this system and writing this post, i can clearly feel the flashback of the moments of the rainy days.. how significant were those days then! wish i could ever go back..!!

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